16 September 2012

Living with an iron rod in your hands

So, I know it's been forever since I've written a blog entry. I really should write one on a regular basis. But here's what's been going down before I get to what I'm gonna call the 'meat' of my blog entry. So don't let my life bore you.

-Ross went to Africa and back. For 18 days. I survived. As did he. But it caused him to get a hernia so he needed surgery which happened like a week ago.
-I am pregnant!! Whoo! I'm due on April 20th, 2013. I'm really excited to bring a new life into this world and raise her in righteousness.
-I quit McDonald's and cycled through a job that I couldn't do while pregnant. So, I'm jobless right now sorta helping Ross work on the campaign. Which he's doing. And getting paid for.
-I'm a ward missionary! I haven't really done much for it yet besides just going to the meetings, but when something for me arises, I'll be there.

Anyway that's pretty much most of the important stuff. I have such an interesting life. Lol

So, getting to the point. I was thinking of my past a little bit today, and I realized that I couldn't even fathom making those choices anymore. And to think, I didn't 'really' change until like April. 5 months ago is long enough to not know who you used to be. Actually, right after I got dunked in the waters of baptism, I forgot who I was. It made it hard keeping the friends I had. It's hard to be friends with someone who's idea of fun is getting wasted, waking up the next morning on the floor with vomit all over your face. That's not so much fun. Actually, what I think is fun, my 'old' friends wouldn't even want to be a part of. You know, like wholesome recreational activities. And no that does defiantly not mean partaking in recreational drug use. Just because the world 'recreational' is there, doesn't mean it's about drugs. What a problem with society these days.

I seriously hate it when people will try to argue with me about my beliefs too. I know, I'm such an ancient member of the church-going on almost 4 months and all-this instance has only happened once or twice. I don't need to prove to people why I'm a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am, and my loved ones should respect that. I became a member of the church because I was proven of it's perfectness. It is seriously perfect. People try NOT to listen only because they don't want to give up their smoking or coffee or premarital sex or wearing low-cut clothing or whatever it is they don't want. But if you DO give up those things, you will be blessed so much that you won't even know what to do with yourself. If you get baptized into this church, and stay faithful, you can and will live with your family forever. All your loved ones will die someday, and it's so comforting to know these truths. That's one thing that is difficult for me, being the only member of the church in my family. I cannot get sealed to them unless they go to the temple with me. They cannot go to the temple with me unless they are righteous members of this church. This is something I deal with every single day. This is something I've prayed and fasted for many times. I just haven't found a good opportunity to literally share the gospel with my family. It's easier to share the gospel with someone you don't know rather than someone part of your immediate family. They can tell you to shut up a lot easier than a stranger can, or is it that when they do tell you to shut up, it hurts worse than a stranger would..

But all hope for my family is not lost if they don't accept the gospel on earth. When they die, they will be told the gospel, and I can baptize them on earth, get them sealed to me, and boom-we're together forever. That's if they repent, accept the gospel and the baptismal ordinances I give them, and accept me sealing them to me. It's hard to keep this in mind when my family is getting further apart and they're getting older and whatnot. Sometimes I wish I was just raised up Mormon to a sealed family so I wouldn't be worrying about this, but it's one of my trials. So I'll take it the best I can.

Sometimes it's hard reminding myself that not everyone knows the church is true even if they are told like I was. I was told and was like 'well yeah, why didn't someone tell me this earlier?' But some people need more convincing. Some people can't let go of their carnal self to follow Jesus Christ. Following Him is seriously the best thing I've ever done. I took upon me His name when I was baptized, and I renew that every single week when I'm at church partaking of the sacrament.

With this upcoming election, although I'm sick of politics, Mormons are being picked on and questioned a lot. 20 some percent of people WONT vote for Romney because he is Mormon. But they'll vote for Obama who is Muslim >_>. I seriously worry about some people. I also would love to ask a more humble Obama supporter (if there are any around..) why they're voting for Obama. He wants to control us. He wants to destroy our country. He wants to be like Hitler. He wants to have something like the SS. Something that terrifies me, is that if he does get re-elected, my husband is a marine. And he might have to do something he doesn't believe in because of those papers he signed. He might be called to be part of Obama's SS or something. Obama doesn't want America having guns, to keep the criminals from them. But trust me, no matter what criminals want, they will get. So let the rest of us have them legally so that we may protect ourselves from enemies like this. Romney doesn't want to ruin your life. He doesn't want to mess up everything. He doesn't want us to be miserable. He wants to turn America into the Zion it's supposed to be. And what's so wrong with a heaven on earth? Nothing if you ask me.

As I walk hand-in-hand on the path to salvation with my amazing husband, I wonder what life would be like if I was still the old me. But then I stop wondering and enjoy, embracing every second I have with him and my family. And soon, I'll be carrying our child through the swamps and forests with my husband, holding onto the iron rod. Call me an over-religious nut or whatever you like,  God put us all here so why not live to please Him?